Helou! everyone! how was your NYE!? mine SUCKED! was pretty boring~~
( _ _) I didn't did anything special, my mother and siblings went to church
and my dad and aunt went to bed at 8PM (WTF) yeah so I stayed home
alone, I actually received the new year with facebook as my partner and
listening to all the Korean/Japanese/Chinese/Taiwanese songs you can imagine~
LAME, but is ok tho! the next year will be better!
So yeah this was defenetly the most boring NYE I've never had, and
above all FU*IN alone! J' suis malade of loneliness here! even tho that
I have a bunch of nice friends I live too far from the city so it really
complicates everything and my entire life~~~
But Anyways!.... Ya guys had heard about Hatsune Miku??? she appears in some
Windows Vista more famous gadgets or in ur Google Chrome page randomly
or just you see this little blue cartoon everywhere!? AT first I really didn't mind
her existence at all! [I'm not into anime anymore] UNTIL I saw her in a local
news paper [Listin Diario] I was like ;; ''WTF, you show up everywhere'' but
the most interesting thing was who she was and what she does! Is totally a
fuckin' impressive tecnological shit! [I said to my inner self; DUDE that's why you
need to go to Japan]
This is the Wikipedia description of Hatsune;;
''Hatsune Miku (初音ミク?) is a singing synthesizer application and its female
character, developed by Crypton Future Media. It uses Yamaha Corporation's
Vocaloid synthesizing technology. The name of the character comes from a fusion
of the Japanese for first (初 hatsu), sound (音 ne) and future (Miku (ミク) sounds
like a nanori reading of future, 未来, normally read as "mirai"), referring to her
position as the first of Crypton's "Character Vocal Series". Her voice is sampled from
Japanese voice actress Saki Fujita. Hatsune Miku has performed on stage.''
ARE YOU SERIOUS? yes, is so damn serious;; so in short words is and 39390D hologram LOL
it looks like Final Fantasy Characters but in real life; Is scary but so interesting at the same time
If you ever had the chance to go to Japan, Call me! More Info about Hatsu; MIKU [Click to View]
so take care my babyss! And be good this year ♥ ♥
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