Hello my lovely readers! the end of the year is getting closer
we are just a few hours of 2010! What's your new Year resolution?
I want to accomplish a couple of stuff this year! I really want to
loose some weigth, finish my japanese clases, deal with chinese
(yeah! I started chinese too) and no is not that confusing!
I will love to travel out from DR maybe to Canada or United states
Or who knows maybe china ;D this year was a pretty though year
in so many people lifes, a lot of changes good and bad, but always
with heads up no matter what! I still have to do some changes on the
blog! that's why I haven't started posting for real! im kinda Lazy!! ~~
That's another thing I will have to erase this year if I really want things
to go faster! I really can't do much If I sleep the half of the day! Lol
I defenetly would like to read your resolutions for this year! and let me
tell you something guys MONEY is not everything ok? Is just necessary
nothing else, with money you can't buy pride or decency so before getting
rich lets earn our minds!~ #justsaying
And Let me tell you I just whatched this AMAZING T-Drama called
''Hi my sweet heart'' is kinda old! but I just LOVED the story! it makes
you laugh (So hard) cry (even Harder) this is what i called a 10/10 drama
you should whatch it;; starring The beauty of Rainie Yang and The talented
Show lou~
You can Whatch it Here;;
-I enjoy it so much! I really did! if you guys want the OST after Let me know!!!
And 2PM Guys Say Happy new Year to you! Hahaha so cute~
I really Wish You a Happy New Year! Let's Start this year like Street Figthersss!
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